Saturday, September 26, 2009

BENT SPOON AWARD - Poisoning Paradise scoops award - Tauranga night, a beaut!

Well, this is very exciting news! Poisoning Paradise gets its first award - not a biggy, but a humorous one, non the less.

Given that the inDOCtrination of the poison culture has been so successfully implanted in the minds of many, especially in positions of influence, and that they have been spouting their propaganda - unchecked, for decades, it's hardly a wonder that they can't accept the truth when it is put in front of them.
So this award is merely an anticipated trend, that is predicted will increase, until the truth about this abhorrent ecocidal practice of blanket poisoning this country is finally exposed.

Please click on link for TV3 news story.......the battle continues!

The Tauranga screening was a great success. The guys did a great job of getting bottoms on seats, with a final count of 185 being present.

1 comment:

  1. were at the Tauranga viewing and enjoyed it very much, not a skeptic have been worried about the poisoning for along time, not just 1080 but all the environmental horticultral and agricultural sprays as well. these are all big issues, that the people have to get off there fat a.s.s.ess and do something about."1080" is bad, "hi cane" is bad, "roundup" is bad etc i can go on. good on you guys you are getting people off the couches and putting the facts in their faces, you have the skills to do this keep up the momentum, Rob Tauranga
