Sunday, June 6, 2010

The 1080 industry

"Conspiracy theory!", the pro-1080 camp cry when challenged about the 1080 industry in New Zealand.
Any suggestion that the use of 1080 in New Zealand is simply business, is immediately dismissed as a conspiracy theory, by the pro-1080 lobby.
The following excerpt sheds some light on the intentions of some of those involved in the industry, and one example of how they endeavor to ensure their interests remain viable.

Whether a conspiracy theory or not, there is certainly a big industry built around the use of 1080 in New Zealand...

Tom Look - posted the following comment on Facebook today...

Conspiracy theories are only theories until proof is found. They are then conspiracy. Here we have 3 government agencies conspiring to ensure that a fourth government agency, ERMA, decides in favour of their profits.
From ACP (Animal Control Products - owned by our government).
Statement of corporate intent 2006-2008

7. RISK MANAGEMENT The Company defines risk as any event which represents a potential threat or obstacle to the achievement of its objectives. The Company has implemented risk management strategies in all areas of its business and recognises the need to proactively manage risk.
One area of risk is the re-registration of 1080 by the Environmental Risk Management Authority. The outcome of the review is uncertain at this time but any restriction could have a material impact on ACP operations. In the 2005/2006 year the re-registration process will have a high public profile and will be closely scrutinised.
To facilitate the re-registration a steering group has been established including representatives from Animal Health Board, Department of Conservation and Animal Control Products limited. The Company will continue to participate in this steering group to ensure the reassessment process is robust, well managed and delivers the best possible outcome.


  1. hi all... iv just made a group page on facebook, inspired by the graf boys documentary.. please join it and post any links you wish. share it with your friends... hopefully we will get so many followers that it gets on nightline....
    love to see you all there and keep up the great work graf boys!

  2. Hi All

    Someone out there is putting up big money at present for Landcare staff to visit high schools in the South Island to promote the use of 1080. Dose this not smell of Conspiracy by someone the same as John Simmons using Environment Waikato money to do the same before the ERMA review.

  3. The bullshit just gets worse,a possum and a rat eating song thrush chicks at the same time in the Dominion Post 16/06/10. Notice the photo was taken November 2007? I wonder how much cinnamon or other attractant was used in this publicity stunt.Never mind it will fool almost all of Forest and Bird supporters, and what the hell lets drop another 57 tonne of 1080 poison and try and kill all of the remaining native birds.Triple hit my backside.
