A scientific study is currently underway at Lincoln University, for Landcare Research.
They are to poison deer with 1080, to test how the poison affects them after ingestion - even though the users have been killing deer with 1080 for 30 years! (Trying to disprove Poisoning Paradise, one could guess. Perhaps the researchers should watch the recently added cow footage in Poisoning Paradise, for further understanding?)
You see, it is illegal to kill deer with 1080 poison in New Zealand - even thought DoC, AHB, and regional councils kill an estimated 20,000 per year. (Eason - Barr - Poisoning Paradise)
It's also illegal to kill native wildlife (Wildlife Act), drop poison into waterways (HSNO Act), contaminate traditional food sources (Treaty of Waitangi), not to mention the Animal Welfare Act. The 3 users - DoC, AHB, and regional councils, perpetrate all of these breaches while they continue to permit 1080 to be dropped from aircraft...
Quote -
Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice.
- Mahatma Gandhi
(1869 - 1948)
The 6th one is particularly relative to the 1080 practice in New Zealand.
They are to poison deer with 1080, to test how the poison affects them after ingestion - even though the users have been killing deer with 1080 for 30 years! (Trying to disprove Poisoning Paradise, one could guess. Perhaps the researchers should watch the recently added cow footage in Poisoning Paradise, for further understanding?)
You see, it is illegal to kill deer with 1080 poison in New Zealand - even thought DoC, AHB, and regional councils kill an estimated 20,000 per year. (Eason - Barr - Poisoning Paradise)
It's also illegal to kill native wildlife (Wildlife Act), drop poison into waterways (HSNO Act), contaminate traditional food sources (Treaty of Waitangi), not to mention the Animal Welfare Act. The 3 users - DoC, AHB, and regional councils, perpetrate all of these breaches while they continue to permit 1080 to be dropped from aircraft...
Quote -
Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice.
- Mahatma Gandhi
(1869 - 1948)
The 6th one is particularly relative to the 1080 practice in New Zealand.
and the first four applicable to you MrGraff?
ReplyDelete• Aldrin/dieldrin
ReplyDelete• Benzo(a)pyrene
• Chlordane
• DDT(including DDD & DDE)
• Hexachlorobenzene
• Alkyl-lead
• Mercury and compounds
• Mirex
• Octachlorostyrene
• PCBs, PCDD (Dioxins) and PCDF (Furans)
• Toxaphene
• Cadmium and cadmium compounds
• 1,4-dichlorobenzene
• 3,3’-dichlorobenzidine
• Dinitropyrene
• Endrin
• Heptachlor and (heptachlor epoxide)
• Hexachlorobutadiene and hexachlorocyclohexane
• Pentachlorobenzene
• Pentachlorophenol
• Tetrachlorobenzene (1,2,3,4- and 1,2,4,5-)
• Tributyl-tin
I'm sure most of us have imperfections, I certainly do. However, I am refering to our ethics as a nation, and that a good measure of our progress in humanity is how we treat our animals - our wild animals, in particular. For these are deemed our enemies, and therefore the way in which we manage these creatures is the best indication of how we would treat our foriegn human enemies, one could argue - and to me, we're not looking good!
ReplyDelete...not looking good !
Also how DoC & AHB are happy to experiment with the people of NZ by dropping 1080 in water ways and wait to see what happens. How much 1080 does it take to mutate the feotus, how much does it take to cause liver & kidney disease, what affect does it have on the human brain and how much 1080 does it take. If I have to eat 2 tons of puha to die from it, how much will affect my reproductive system or cause irreversable damage, how many birds worth saving for the health of NZ humanity. O
• Aldrin/dieldrin
ReplyDelete• Benzo(a)pyrene
• Chlordane
• DDT(including DDD & DDE)
• Hexachlorobenzene
• Alkyl-lead
• Mercury and compounds
• Mirex
• Octachlorostyrene
• PCBs, PCDD (Dioxins) and PCDF (Furans)
• Toxaphene
• Cadmium and cadmium compounds
• 1,4-dichlorobenzene
• 3,3’-dichlorobenzidine
• Dinitropyrene
• Endrin
• Heptachlor and (heptachlor epoxide)
• Hexachlorobutadiene and hexachlorocyclohexane
• Pentachlorobenzene
• Pentachlorophenol
• Tetrachlorobenzene (1,2,3,4- and 1,2,4,5-)
• Tributyl-tin
1080 poison
ReplyDelete1080 toxin
1080 super toxin
Sodium Fluoroacetate
Sodium Monofluoroacetate
Fluoroacetic acid
carboxylic acid
trifuoroacetic acid
Disrupts krebs cycle
Bye kidneys
bye heart
bye YTube brain
Bye native birds
Bye native insects
so what you're trying to say is that if clydey boy was serious about chemicals in our food chain and on our planet he'd have a much wider scope of concern than a bio-degradable toxin (that is detectable in gum-boot tea) than just 1080?
ReplyDeleteyes absolutely ..and all his scary questions have been answered by his own favorite toxicologist Mr Easton
ReplyDeleteclick above
can someone please referance this poisoning deer study at Lincoln Uni?
ReplyDeleteI can't speak for Clyde, can you tell me how biodegradable it is? How mobile is it from soil to water to plants? How much does it take to cause irreversible damage to humans, feotuses do you have studies on that? Why is the AHB a charitable Organisation, thats because they are not answerable to govt or anyone, why does the rest of the world not use 1080 if it's so effective? Why do DoC contractors keep stuffing up aerial drops? why is there so much by kill of any species? why do the rat & pig population increase after drops? Why did 40% of the Haast Kaka's have to die? Why do DoC contractors want to cover up unintentional animal deaths?
ReplyDeleteI guess to summarise the above chemicals you have mentioned are not dropped at a rate of 10,000 tons per year all over NZ!!
New Zealand releases about two and a half tons of compound 1080 into its environment each year, {about 90% of the global use}.
ReplyDeleteNOT 10,000 TONS
more Clyde scare tactics
Clydes personal toxocoligist answers all these questions and more:
as to the poisoning deer study ...it doesn't exist!!
ReplyDeleteMore lies and fear from clyde!!
so are all of the other chemicals you named dropped all over NZ at 2 tons each year? I think not!
ReplyDeleteActually, the 2.5 - 4.0 tons of pure 1080 released into our environment every year equates to 1000's of tons of bait, which is what the responder is refering to.
ReplyDeleteJust to put the annual release of 1080 into our environment into perspective...it's enought to kill 450,000,000 Weka, or 2.5 billion dogs, or billions of Rifleman, or billions of Tomtit, or billions of Robin....etc, etc, etc!
ReplyDelete"The Landcare - Lincoln study currently underway testing the effects of 1080 on deer that they feed the poison, is a secret study that has been revealed by our sources. "
ReplyDeleteare you F#$%^& ing serious!! a secret study!! being covered up by the NZ Herald, Landcare Research, DoC, AHB, and Rupert Murdoch Zionist mainstrean media conspiracy no doubt???
Has anybody noticed how clyde has started talking to himself, wearing camo gear and reading 'Soldier of Fortune ' mags all day?
Hey Utube Clyde is not talking to himself you just have more opposition than you think. At least soldier of fortune mags have facts unlike DoC literature.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. in PP you're seen murmuring soothing words while fondling deer carcasses (hint though - they can't hear you). undoubtedly this has to mean you're all about animal welfare
ReplyDeleteYet in your other film - a Quiver Full of Hope - you're seen shooting arrows into deer. how many of these charge off with arrows embedded in them, never to be recovered? and strange, in that film there's not a single nice caring word or a pat when you finally get the carcass of a deer that you've pursued for a couple (or four or five?) hours after wounding and terrifying it.
does shooting arrows into deer count as "pleasure without conscience"?
Yes, that's a fair comment. However, we still have a conscience, and as I said, we all have issues. A well placed arrow is a quick death, and when A Quiver was made, in about 2002, we always tried to kill the animal quickly.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I haven't killed a deer in 4 years.
What supporters of 1080 advocate is dropping poisonous food into forests, targeting possums and rats only, they say, but killing multitudes of other animals, birds reptiles and insects. 1000's die slow, drawn out deaths, others may recover with permanent disability. This is an INTENDED method of killing!
It's indiscriminate, shows no benefit, and is most likely doing irrevesible damage.
It's all very nice to say you TRY to kill quickly. but human error being what it is.....
ReplyDeletewhat's the likelihood that due to hunting thousands of deer die slow, drawn out deaths from not-well-placed arrows and bullets? others may recover with permanent disability. This is an INTENDED method of killing!
probably happens every year. all over the country. and for what benefit?
just because you haven't killed a deer for four years doesn't lessen the hypocrisy inherent in decrying 1080 as inhumane - while ignoring other human practices (ahem hunting) that also affect the welfare of many deer
It's good that you are showing concern. Hunting is the best method we have of direct targeting wild animals. The bullet is the most humane method of control we have. The bullet isn't killing the other species of the forest that are being killed by 1080. There is no hypocricy in my actions - I don't use 1080, and never intend to. The new post that I am lodging may answer your question. Thanks.
ReplyDelete"Just to put the annual release of 1080 into our environment into perspective...it's enought to kill 450,000,000 Weka, or 2.5 billion dogs, or billions of Rifleman, or billions of Tomtit, or billions of Robin....etc, etc, etc!"
ReplyDeleteBut... it's only killed eight dogs in sixty years. Weka, riflemen, robin, tomtit are all killed by rats, possums, and stoats. 1080 can harm them, but it is less than predation by non-natural, invasive species. Weka, reiflement, robin and tomtit are still extant. So if 1080 CAN kill billions of them, it clearly does not, and you're guilty of scaremongering.
Re - dog deaths - Unfortunately, that's what the users of 1080 would like you to believe. Hundreds of dogs have been killed around the country, perhaps more - we'll never know the true figure. One farmer interviewed in Poisoning Paradise has had 8 of his farm dogs die after poison has been dropped around his farm. Every rural area we visit around the country, where 1080 is used, has people who have had their dogs die, or know of people that have. Their's plenty.
ReplyDeleteIn regard to putting the poison killing power into perspective - that's not scare-mongering, that's a fact! Does it scare you to know that that much poison is released into our environment every year? It should.
We do know, from some of the research, that large percentages of populations of species are being killed.
Just last year, in Westland, 11% of radio tagged Fernbirds were killed with 1080. This is a species that doesn't eat the bait directly, so they were killed through secondary poisoning. The drop rates were "low", "only" 2kg per hectare - yet the kill rate was high, for a species that it was hoped, wouldn't be affected.
We still have 26 native species, at high risk, that are yet to be carefully researched - but the poisoning continues. There is no other way to look at it, the use of aerially applied poison is irresponsible, and a crime - called ecocide.
Please see another side of the story - watch Poisoning Paradise at ... http://www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/festival/play/7123/Poisoning-Paradise---Ecocide-New-Zealand/Vm10YVlWSnJPVmRSYkVwUlZrUkJPUT09KzE=